Okay so the idea behind this video is that its the bands one off acoustic track, this is why it would not seem to be the typical song our band would release. many bands of this genera do a similar thing for example, the band All Time Low wrote an acoustic song called Remembering Sunday which is not their usua sound.
Our video is going to start with the performer in a pub, he starts playing the song, after a few seconds he gets up, whilst singing, and walks over to his girlfriend and serenades her of sorts. He then gets called away by his friends and abandons her, after getting some shots of an upset girlfriend we have her leave and it cuts to the performer playing in a room. then we see more shots of the couple having relationship problems aswell as some performace shots and we finish with the performer giving her a present before leaving and then a fade to black.
Okay so its close to christmas and we havent started to film, so i was thinking that out current idea won't be visable to do as its hard to find a house where we could film it so, i preposed the idea to Kirsty that we choose another song and go from there. i suggested that we do an acoustic song as i feel with the locations we could get would suit an acoustic more. Also i tend to prefer the acoustic tracks over most and i like the idea of keeping the video simple like the song as acoustics tend to just be played using an acoustic guitar. So having decided to change our song we then had to choose what one to do, i suggested 'swing life away' by Rise against but Kirsty felt that she wouldnt be able to work on a song that she didnt like, which i agreed with and then kirsty came up with a few options and we finally went with 'The Girl' by City and Colour. Well i dont it with the other idea ill do it with this one, here is the song that i suggested to do, rise against swing life away, i like this video because its pretty simple and doesnt try to do too much and its a good video in my eyes
This next ones by green day and posibly one of my favourite, Good riddance/time of your life. i love this video and this insipred me as i want to shoot the performance part of the video slightly like this, with the guitaristt sitting in a plain, dark room/bedroom as i feel these shot are effective within the acoustic conventions